VMware vSphere with Tanzu: Deploy and Manage (VSKDM7)

Virtualizace a Cloud, VMware

During this 3-day course, you focus on deploying and managing VMware vSphere® with Tanzu. You learn about how vSphere with Tanzu can be used to orchestrate the delivery of Kubernetes clusters and containerized applications in a vSphere environment.

Lokalita, termín kurzu

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Virtuálně se můžete přidat i ke školením ve výše nabízených lokalitách. Do poznámky v objednávce prosím uveďte „Připojím se virtuálně“

Náplň kurzu:

Skrýt detaily
  • Course Introduction
    1. Introductions and course logistics
    2. Course objectives
  • Introduction to Containers and Kubernetes
    1. Describe virtual machines and containers
    2. Describe container hosts
    3. Describe container engines
    4. Describe Dockerfile
    5. Describe container images
    6. Describe image registry
    7. Describe the purpose and functionality of Kubernetes
    8. Describe YAML manifest files
    9. Explain pods
    10. Explain Replica Sets
    11. Explain services
    12. Explain deployments
    13. Explain network policies
  • Introduction to vSphere with Tanzu
    1. Introduce the Cloud Native Computing Foundation
    2. Introduce the VMware Tanzu™ portfolio
    3. Describe the purpose and functionality of vSphere with Tanzu
    4. Describe the capabilities of vSphere with Tanzu
    5. Describe the components of vSphere with Tanzu
    6. Contrast vSphere with Tanzu to traditional Kubernetes
    7. Describe the requirements for vSphere with Tanzu
    8. Describe the NSX components required for vSphere with Tanzu
    9. Describe the network topology of vSphere with Tanzu
    10. Explain the networking requirements of vSphere with Tanzu
    11. Compare NSX networking objects with Kubernetes networking objects
    12. Describe the kubectl command line interface
  • VSphere with Tanzu Core Services
    1. Explain the architecture of the vSphere with Tanzu core services
    2. Describe the use cases of vSphere with Tanzu
    3. Enable vSphere with Tanzu
    4. Deploy Harbor Registry
    5. Describe a vSphere with Tanzu namespace
    6. Describe resource quotas
    7. Explain authentication and authorization to vSphere with Tanzu
    8. Create a namespace
    9. Use kubectl to interact with vSphere with Tanzu
    10. Describe using kubectl pod deployment
    11. Explain scaling a pod deployment
    12. Explain deleting pods
    13. Use kubectl to deploy a pod
    14. Use kubectl to scale a pod
    15. Describe a Container Storage Interface
    16. Explain VM Storage Policies and Persistent Volumes
    17. Monitor Cloud Native Storage
    18. Create a Persistent Volume
    19. Describe the NSX Container Plugin
    20. Explain Supervisor Cluster Network Topology
    21. Explain Container Objects in NSX
    22. Describe Kubernetes Services
    23. Describe Kubernetes Network Policies
    24. Describe vSphere with Tanzu on vSphere Distributed Switch
    25. Describe Harbor Image Registry
    26. Explain Harbor integration with vSphere with Tanzu
    27. Enable Harbor
    28. Push container images to Harbor
    29. Deploy containers from Harbor
  • VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid service
    1. Introduce Kubernetes Cluster API
    2. Explain Tanzu Kubernetes Grid service
    3. Describe the use cases for Tanzu Kubernetes Grid clusters
    4. Describe enabling Tanzu Kubernetes Clusters
    5. Deploy a Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster
    6. Scale a Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster
    7. Explain the life cycle of Tanzu Kubernetes Clusters
    8. Deploy pods to a Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster
    9. Describe monitoring of Tanzu Kubernetes Clusters
  • Monitoring and Troubleshooting
    1. Describe the monitoring tools for vSphere with Tanzu
    2. Describe the troubleshooting tools for vSphere with Tanzu
    3. Describe VMware vRealize® Operations Manager™ integration
    4. Describe VMware Tanzu Mission Control
    5. Describe the integration between vSphere with Tanzu and VMware Tanzu Mission Control
    6. Describe vCenter Server events
    7. Describe vSphere with Tanzu events
    8. Describe gathering vSphere with Tanzu support log bundles
  • VSphere with Tanzu Life Cycle
    1. Introduce Kubernetes version
    2. Explain Kubernetes release cadence
    3. Describe vSphere with Tanzu life cycle
    4. Describe NSX component life cycle
    5. Describe vSphere with Tanzu Certificate Management
Předpokládané znalosti:
Experienced system administrators and system integrators responsible for designing and implementing vSphere with Tanzu.
Časový rozvrh:
3 dny (9:00hod. - 17:00hod.)
Cena za osobu:
34 000,00 Kč (41 140,00 Kč včetně 21% DPH)
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