Fast Track to SAP Replication Server Administration (RPLS1)

Databáze, SAP Sybase

Školení poskytuje pohled na všechny možnosti a vlastnosti Replikačního Serveru spolu s praktickými cvičeními. Získáte základy pro vytvoření návrhu distribuovaných aplikací a pro použití Replikačního Serveru. Dále se naučíte, jak vytvářet replikační definice - subscriptions (předpisy) a publikace. Porozumíte variantám materializace předpisů a funkčním řetězcům včetně ošetřování chyb. V kurzu navíc získáte základní administrační znalosti pro instalaci systému s použitím warm-standby a základy pro řešení standardních problémů.

Lokalita, termín kurzu

Kontaktujte nás

Virtuálně se můžete přidat i ke školením ve výše nabízených lokalitách. Do poznámky v objednávce prosím uveďte „Připojím se virtuálně“

Náplň kurzu:

Skrýt detaily
  • Replication Server
    1. Identifying Replication Concepts
    2. Defining Replication Server Architecture
    3. Identifying Replication Architectures
  • Installation
    1. Installing Replication Server
    2. Creating a Replication Server
    3. Adding a Database to the Replication System
    4. Setting Up the Replication Server Environment
  • Routes
    1. Configuring Routes
  • Replication Server Administration
    1. Enabling the Gateway
    2. Configuring a Replication Server
    3. Managing the Stable Device
    4. Applying Replication Server Security
    5. Enabling Command Auditing
    6. Managing Truncation Points
    7. Using the Replication Server System Database (RSSD)
  • Regular Replication
    1. Creating Table Replication Definitions
    2. Modifying Replication Definitions
    3. Troubleshooting Replication Definitions
    4. Marking Tables for Replication
    5. Using Subscriptions
    6. Using Materialization
    7. Using Bulk Nonatomic Materialization
    8. Troubleshooting Subscriptions
    9. Creating Publications
  • Warm Standby
    1. Describing Warm Standby Replication
    2. Initializing Warm Standby
    3. Synchronizing Logins
    4. Using Switchover
    5. Administering Warm Standby
    6. Using Warm Standby and Regular Replication
  • Multisite Availability (MSA)
    1. Using MSA
  • Control Center for Replication
    1. Examining Control Center for Replication
    2. Setting Up the Control Center
    3. Configuring the Control Center
    4. Monitoring Latency
    5. Collecting Statistics
    6. Using Alerts
  • Stored Procedure Replication
    1. Defining Stored Procedure Replication
    2. Using Applied Functions
    3. Using Request Functions
    4. troubleshooting Stored Procedure Replication
    5. Dropping Objects
  • Heterogeneous Replication
    1. Explaining Heterogeneous Replication
    2. Configuring a Heterogeneous Replication System
    3. Managing Heterogeneous Warm Standby Support
  • Replication Server Troubleshooting
    1. Identifying Troubleshooting Recommendations for Replication Server
    2. Monitoring Replication Server Issues
    3. Supporting Failed Transactions
    4. Resolving Replication Server Issues
    5. Customizing Error Actions
  • Replication Server
    1. Identifying Replication Concepts
    2. Defining Replication Server Architecture
    3. Identifying Replication Architectures
  • Installation
    1. Installing Replication Server
    2. Creating a Replication Server
    3. Adding a Database to the Replication System
    4. Setting Up the Replication Server Environment
  • Routes
    1. Configuring Routes
  • Replication Server Administration
    1. Enabling the Gateway
    2. Configuring a Replication Server
    3. Managing the Stable Device
    4. Applying Replication Server Security
    5. Enabling Command Auditing
    6. Managing Truncation Points
    7. Using the Replication Server System Database (RSSD)
  • Regular Replication
    1. Creating Table Replication Definitions
    2. Modifying Replication Definitions
    3. Troubleshooting Replication Definitions
    4. Marking Tables for Replication
    5. Using Subscriptions
    6. Using Materialization
    7. Using Bulk Nonatomic Materialization
    8. Troubleshooting Subscriptions
    9. Creating Publications
  • Warm Standby
    1. Describing Warm Standby Replication
    2. Initializing Warm Standby
    3. Synchronizing Logins
    4. Using Switchover
    5. Administering Warm Standby
    6. Using Warm Standby and Regular Replication
  • Multisite Availability (MSA)
    1. Using MSA
  • Control Center for Replication
    1. Examining Control Center for Replication
    2. Setting Up the Control Center
    3. Configuring the Control Center
    4. Monitoring Latency
    5. Collecting Statistics
    6. Using Alerts
  • Stored Procedure Replication
    1. Defining Stored Procedure Replication
    2. Using Applied Functions
    3. Using Request Functions
    4. troubleshooting Stored Procedure Replication
    5. Dropping Objects
  • Heterogeneous Replication
    1. Explaining Heterogeneous Replication
    2. Configuring a Heterogeneous Replication System
    3. Managing Heterogeneous Warm Standby Support
  • Replication Server Troubleshooting
    1. Identifying Troubleshooting Recommendations for Replication Server
    2. Monitoring Replication Server Issues
    3. Supporting Failed Transactions
    4. Resolving Replication Server Issues
    5. Customizing Error Actions
Předpokládané znalosti:
Fast Track to Sybase ASE a System and Database Administration ASE.
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5 dní (9:00hod. - 17:00hod.)
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